Sunday, June 24, 2012

19 & 20 weeks

Warning this post is going to be all over the place.

First of all I am currently 20 weeks and baby is the size of a....

I didn't have time to post a 19 week blog so I'm shoving that info into this 20 week one. And lots of stuff happened.

So right before I hit 19 weeks I was obsessed with the sun and being in the heat. I spent almost every day outside. As a result of pregnancy I've been way more sweaty than I normally am but I was enjoying the 90 degree weather anyway. Here's a few outdoor pics I took that week

                                               Maggie and Lucy. They get along sooo well.

I posted that weird pic of my belly so that you can see how weird my navel is looking. Its getting kind of flat now and I need to get a longer barbell for my navel ring.

Here are my 19 week belly pics...

A few days after I turned 19 weeks we had our big ultrasound...

Both of us slept like crap the night before because we were so stinking excited. Thankfully when I got to the office they took me in right away. First it was me and the ultrasound tech in the room Nick  had to wait to come in until after she got her technical measurements. So the whole time I'm in there the lady is making small talk and all I'm wondering is if the baby is okay. Why do us techs do this? You can see that I'm pregnant and what pregnant lady doesn't get a little nervous that something might be wrong. The previous 2 days I hadn't felt too much movement (it turned out it's because it was in a weird position) I was pretty anxious to know that everything was alright. But she kept doing her thing for about 10 minutes while I sat there nervous. Finally she brought Nick in and we actually got to see some stuff. Most importantly the money shot. Our baby was spread eagle and there was no doubt in my mind what we were looking at was a baby girl even before the tech said anything. Instantly tears started pouring I think Nick teared up to. It was one of the most amazing moments of my life, it made all of this so much more real. We are having a baby girl. Unfortunately the tech didn't really care about getting us nice pictures she printed off a bunch of blobs that hardly resembled any mammal let alone a human.

Let me just say how surprised I was that we were having a girl. When I first got pregnant I thought it was a girl because of how sick I was in the beginning. Everyone I know who had baby boys hardly had any morning sickness at all. But after about 12 weeks I was suddenly convinced we were having a boy and I had felt that way all day every day since. I always referred to the baby as a he. I was in shock when it turned out to be a girl. But I'm so happy it's a she!

We did a photo shoot with my sister the day before the ultrasound. We took girl and boy pictures so that we would be prepared for each. She hasn't finished editing all of them but I'll post the rest of them in my next blog.

Right after we found out the sex we went and registered at BuyBuyBaby and bought our first piece of baby girl clothing from Baby Gap. They were having an amazing sale this week and I scored this adorable romper for $11 (originally $32 I am very proud of my sales shopping abilities).

Also this week I got to meet baby William!!! I was so happy to see Philena and meet her little man. Its amazing how much this kid looks like his parents. He was an absolute sweetheart. I've been wondering how Lucy would react to a baby being around and getting more attention than her and she was great with William. She looked so happy to be a around a baby and William really liked her too.

At 19 weeks baby girl weighed 10 oz and was in the 74th percentile for weight and length. So she's big maybe that's why I can feel so much so early? The Midwife and us tech were pretty impressed that I was feeling so many kicks and that they can actually be seen from the outside. She is really reacting to sound a lot more than she was before. When Nick talks to her she moves more. We went to see Prometheus yesterday and she went nuts when it got loud in the theater! I hope it didn't terrify her too bad but she was moving so quickly and intensely it was startling for me too.

I've been craving lots of sweets lately... Especially french toast and fruit. It's been a craving for a few months now but I'm indulging it more than I did before. It has gone from a want to a need. Another craving has been slurpees from 7-11. I am not a soda drinker so it's weird for me to want something like that soo bad.

I guess some people can start getting stretch marks around this time but I don't have any yet. I've gained 6.8lbs so far and 5 inches on my waist. I haven't measured my ass but I don't need to do that to realize it's getting fat. I've never really had a booty so I don't mind, it's just new and weird to me. About a month ago a customer at work was talking to me about pregnancy she literally said, "your ass is going to get soo fat it wont even resemble your ass from before," that's a little scary but for now I'm okay.

Here are my week 20 pregnancy pics...

Until next week!


Saturday, June 9, 2012

18 Weeks Pregnant

I'm 18 weeks pregnant yay!!!

Big things are happening this week with my little sweet potato. This week baby is wiggling punching and practicing all kinds of things it will need to be an expert at by the time that it's out. It's swallowing amniotic fluid and has taste buds.

Nick and I watched Alien for a refresher before we go see Prometheus. If you've never seen it pregnant you don't know how scary it can be....

That scene is just not the same when you know that there's a tiny little being inside of you and you silently irrationally hope that it doesn't come bursting through your stomach at that very moment.... It's probably a good thing I wasn't feeling official kicks yet when we sat down and watched it.

Oh yeah. Baby is a super kicking. I started feeling the kicks Tuesday evening and confirmed them as kicks Wednesday morning. Baby kicks are pretty much the coolest thing that's ever happened in the history of ever. Then Thursday night Nick and I ate thai food for dinner. Holy shit does the baby either really love or really hate spicy thai food. It literally went ape shit in my uterus. Suddenly the tiny kicks turned into Hulk smashes all over the place. It was pretty awesome and because the baby was all raged out Nick got to feel it kick for the first time!! I've been soo excited for him to feel and it was amazing.

This week  I've also seen some superficial benefits to pregnancy..... Long flowing hair and gorgeous strong nails. I also think that I'm officially "glowing" I love my bump and I'm loving my body now more than ever.

Earlier this evening my super lovey dovey kitten girl cuddled up to my belly and I just had to take a picture of her. The baby was totally kicking at her but she didn't seem to notice....

I've been thinking about how it feels like I found out I was pregnant just last week and started looking through the pictures I took at that time and figured I should include this pretty big moment on here. I took this picture a few hours after finding out I was pregnant....

That's my happy puffy emotional face and the digital test that I took and sent pictures of to Nick at work. That's me on  one of the happiest days of my life. <3

I thought I'd put my belly into context I found pictures from a week before I got pregnant to put up next to my belly pictures from this week.


Saturday, June 2, 2012

17 weeks

I'm 17 weeks pregnant today!

Baby is as big as....

Or your open palm from crown to rump.

 Lots of tickles from baby this week. Lots of round ligament pain also.  I've been exhausted pretty much every day. It's not too bad in the mornings but after 2 pm I'm just done. It's hard because at work I'm expected to be standing pretty much the whole time. I have been sitting to eat lunch around 1 pm in between customers. I probably only sit for a total of 20-30 minutes per 7 hour shift and it's starting to kill my feet. They hurt horribly every day no matter what shoes I wear there. When I'm moving around I'm much happier but a lot of the time I'm standing pretty still waiting on customers and scanning in movies. I have noticed I get a bit light headed towards the end of the day if I can't sit at all.

I've been very hungry this week and gave into quite a few cravings... Supposedly the baby is going through a growth spurt and starting to accumulate fat on it's body. And I've definitely eaten enough chocolate this week to provide some cute baby fat.

I've gotten into the routine of doing some exercises and stretches for a about 20 minutes before bed each evening.  It makes me feel productive and I've been falling asleep easier.

So far total pregnancy weight gain has been 3.7 lbs. Not too shabby :)

We only have about 2 weeks until our anatomy ultrasound where we will find out the sex of the baby. We are super duper excited!! I'm really starting to think it's a boy now... I guess we'll see!

Here's my tummy this week!

                                                    I'll be saying good bye to my toes soon!
