I'm 17 weeks pregnant today!
Baby is as big as....
Or your open palm from crown to rump.
Lots of tickles from baby this week. Lots of round ligament pain also. I've been exhausted pretty much every day. It's not too bad in the mornings but after 2 pm I'm just done. It's hard because at work I'm expected to be standing pretty much the whole time. I have been sitting to eat lunch around 1 pm in between customers. I probably only sit for a total of 20-30 minutes per 7 hour shift and it's starting to kill my feet. They hurt horribly every day no matter what shoes I wear there. When I'm moving around I'm much happier but a lot of the time I'm standing pretty still waiting on customers and scanning in movies. I have noticed I get a bit light headed towards the end of the day if I can't sit at all.
I've been very hungry this week and gave into quite a few cravings... Supposedly the baby is going through a growth spurt and starting to accumulate fat on it's body. And I've definitely eaten enough chocolate this week to provide some cute baby fat.
I've gotten into the routine of doing some exercises and stretches for a about 20 minutes before bed each evening. It makes me feel productive and I've been falling asleep easier.
So far total pregnancy weight gain has been 3.7 lbs. Not too shabby :)
We only have about 2 weeks until our anatomy ultrasound where we will find out the sex of the baby. We are super duper excited!! I'm really starting to think it's a boy now... I guess we'll see!
Here's my tummy this week!
I'll be saying good bye to my toes soon!
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