Saturday, June 9, 2012

18 Weeks Pregnant

I'm 18 weeks pregnant yay!!!

Big things are happening this week with my little sweet potato. This week baby is wiggling punching and practicing all kinds of things it will need to be an expert at by the time that it's out. It's swallowing amniotic fluid and has taste buds.

Nick and I watched Alien for a refresher before we go see Prometheus. If you've never seen it pregnant you don't know how scary it can be....

That scene is just not the same when you know that there's a tiny little being inside of you and you silently irrationally hope that it doesn't come bursting through your stomach at that very moment.... It's probably a good thing I wasn't feeling official kicks yet when we sat down and watched it.

Oh yeah. Baby is a super kicking. I started feeling the kicks Tuesday evening and confirmed them as kicks Wednesday morning. Baby kicks are pretty much the coolest thing that's ever happened in the history of ever. Then Thursday night Nick and I ate thai food for dinner. Holy shit does the baby either really love or really hate spicy thai food. It literally went ape shit in my uterus. Suddenly the tiny kicks turned into Hulk smashes all over the place. It was pretty awesome and because the baby was all raged out Nick got to feel it kick for the first time!! I've been soo excited for him to feel and it was amazing.

This week  I've also seen some superficial benefits to pregnancy..... Long flowing hair and gorgeous strong nails. I also think that I'm officially "glowing" I love my bump and I'm loving my body now more than ever.

Earlier this evening my super lovey dovey kitten girl cuddled up to my belly and I just had to take a picture of her. The baby was totally kicking at her but she didn't seem to notice....

I've been thinking about how it feels like I found out I was pregnant just last week and started looking through the pictures I took at that time and figured I should include this pretty big moment on here. I took this picture a few hours after finding out I was pregnant....

That's my happy puffy emotional face and the digital test that I took and sent pictures of to Nick at work. That's me on  one of the happiest days of my life. <3

I thought I'd put my belly into context I found pictures from a week before I got pregnant to put up next to my belly pictures from this week.


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