Sunday, July 15, 2012

23 weeks pregnant.

I'm 23 weeks pregnant! There's not that much time left before little one gets here! And she's getting big and strong in there! She's now as big as a...

And my uterus is now as big as a soccer ball! Woah!

This week my biggest symptoms have not been very fun. I started having leg cramps in the night :( Thankfully I'm so used to having them normally that I can usually react quickly and prevent them but right now the muscles in my calves are soo tight it's uncomfortable pretty much all of the time. Symptom number two is extreme pelvic and hip pain! I've always had issues with my hips when I'm really active so that doesn't surprise me it's the pelvic pain that's really freaking me out. I don't know if it's normal to experience it this intensely this early but thankfully I have a Drs appointment this upcoming Wednesday where I can ask her about it and possibly set up an appointment with a chiropractor.

This week we got our crib set! I am so excited! I absolutely love this set. It's just pretty without being overly girly. The last thing I want is for my baby girl to be bombarded with a ton of pink frilly shit all over the place every day of her life and I think I've been successful in avoiding just that.

I'm still doing my exercises most nights of the week. I've also been reading "Natural Childbirth for Dummies" and I've incorporated some new moves that are supposed to help prepare me for labor. I think I'm going to post my workout routine on the next blog for any other interested preggos. No signs of stretch marks yet and I'm still using my Angel Baby Earth Mama Natural Stretch oil which I've been using every night since I was about 6 weeks pregnant. I'm now up to 11.7 lbs in total weight gain. I was retaining a lot of water up until today but now I seem to be pretty much back to normal.

Here are my belly shots this week. The first 2 are what I get when I ask my husband to stop what he's doing and take belly shots of me. The next 2 are my mirror shots and now you know why most the time I just do mirror shots ;)



  1. Hey lady! Your belly is totes adorbs! Sorry about the pain you've been having :(

    I loved the Bradley method book and youre welcome to borrow it if you're interested. It totally helped me though my drug free birth.

    Also when you're done working you should come over and chill on my patio during naptime :)

  2. Thanks Rebecca! I will definitely hit you up for some girl chat during nap time!!
