28 weeks pregnant!!! 7 months pregnant!!! Yay!!! And baby Arya is as big as a....
Right now she's working on storing fat and perfecting her whole lung/breathing thing. She's had lots of hiccups this week so I imagine she's practicing swallowing quite a bit. Her moves are getting bigger and sometimes even startling! She'll do a big kick and it takes a minute for me to process what just happened. She seems to be moving up more now or just getting longer because she's pretty close to kicking my ribs most days.
Last Monday I took my 1 hour glucose test.
Which entails not eating for a while then drinking this lovely beverage within a five minute span and getting your blood drawn an hour later. I failed the test. When the nurse called to tell me I was pretty devastated I was already having an incredibly emotional day. My SPD was acting up really bad and I was crying over everything it seemed like. I managed to pull myself together long enough to go pick up my forms from the Drs office. After I got home I did some research on gestational diabetes and got even more freaked out. But hey at least I wasn't a sobbing mess.
I was ordered to take a 3 hour glucose test. Before a 3 hour glucose test you are asked to eat a diet of pretty much only carbohydrates for 3 days prior. Which didn't make sense to me at all. I guess it's supposed to get your body used to maxing out on it's ability to process carbs... I'm really unconvinced. Since my 3 hours glucose test happened today which is in my 29th week I'll post more about it then.
Things I would prefer to live without this week:
1. SPD pain
2. Nausea
3. Fatigue
4. Muscle spasms (every night this week!)
I feel like people might feel as though I'm not happy about being pregnant and that's just not true. I'm over the moon. I'm soo thankful to have this baby growing inside of me and I'm totally okay with all of the curve balls I'm getting thrown at me as long as it means that she is happy and healthy and in my arms soon. I'm perfectly okay with my quality of life being kind of crappy right now. I just wasn't expecting it at all. I don't know anyone who has had the nausea and food aversions and cramping that I had in the first trimester. I didn't know anyone who had SPD and I don't know anyone who failed the one hour glucose test and didn't end up with gestational diabetes.
When I got pregnant I did not expect to be in constant pain for weeks/months. I did not expect to be in agony getting up in the middle of the night or turning over. I feel like when I bring these things up because I need to talk about them sometimes people look at me as if I'm just a whiny undeserving idiot. And I don't think it's fair. When I talk about this stuff I'm looking for encouragement and possibly advice. Because I've never done this before and it is absolutely nothing like how I thought it would be.
Mostly I worry about the pain and things that I'm experiencing because I'm scared it's effecting her in a negative way. I love her more than anything at this point and I just want her to be okay. So if I seem whiny/complainy/ungrateful I'm not. I'm just freaked out and looking for some help. Thankfully I do have lots of supportive friends/family but I also have just as many people who are discouraging judgey mcjudgesters.
Since I haven't been moving around to much. I'm going to attribute that to my weight gain. I'm up a total of 25 lbs! I have started doing some SPD friendly exercises as of last night and I plan to do them every single night because I can't do much of anything else anyway.
I notice a big physical change this week my belly button has gone from a belly button to what Nick lovingly refers to as a, "cat butthole."
It's not that pretty but whatevs.
My belly seems to change shape everyday depending on how she's laying/what she's up to in there. But here's what it looked like one day this week...
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